Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Welcome to our new page of teacher writings. ICTE is excited to start this process of sharing teacher content, as we feel that writers and readers alike will benefit from what we're doing here. We want our students to write to think, write to communicate, and write to share; we should want no less for ourselves. This blog gives all of us a space to do that and a community in which to find support.

For those interested in contributing, please visit the "Invitation to Write" page on the ICTE website, where you will find a submission form and contact information. We would love to have your voice be a part of the discussion. If you have any questions or suggestions at all, feel free to send them to shannondykstra@gmail.com.

Our first writing topic is "Winning Beginnings." Much of the content you will see initially addresses reflections, plans, goals, or suggestions for starting the year off well. We've had a lot of great submissions, and there is still time for you to add your thoughts for this crucial time of the school year.

This page is an idea that has evolved over the last couple of months, and I anticipate seeing it continue to evolve as we determine the best format and setup to share these teacher writings. I'm excited to see the path it takes.

Thanks for joining us here on the site. Read much, write often, and share like crazy. Your fellow English teachers stand with you, armed with the power of the written word.

Shannon Dykstra
ICTE Web Content Editor

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